Hello folks …
I'd like to remind everyone to re-read our Forum Rules & Site User Agreement (click here), particularly the section which covers how we've agreed to interact with each other. With almost 30,000 registered members, it's understandable that tempers can flare from time to time, as it's not a perfect world. If you have issues with other members, please take them to the PM (Private Message) System (click here), or one-to-one emails. Please DO NOT re-publish any of those private conversations within the public forums. It's embarrassing for everyone and serves no purpose accept attempting to inflame an already tense situation and build negative alliances among other members.
If there are particular members that really bother you and you do not want to see their posts, or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then there's a very simple way to handle it. You can just add those members to your personal Ignore List (click here). Just type their site username into the empty text box and click the 'Okay' button located to the right side of the screen. That's it and you will no longer see their public posts, nor will they be able to contact you via the PM (Private Message) system. So, hopefully you won't become agitated and stressed because as the old expression goes, "Out of sight, Out of mind".
For your fun and frivolity entertainment benefit, I dug up a couple of YouTube videos, which have been around for ages and were published when Internet forums first started appearing. They are old, but they do still make the point about how to behave when posting in forums and interacting with other members anonymously.
If anyone has a problem with our rules of engagement, or the unpaid moderating staff who freely give of their time to try and make this a comfortable place for all of us to visit, then please send me a PM and let me know.
Thanks to everyone for their understanding.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.